To all of you, my dear Internet friends, I extend an invitation: Please join me on my new blog as I endeavor (once again) to reduce my weight by one third. I'll be saying goodbye to Golden Corral, farewell to Frankie's, sayonara to Sonic and adios to
Oh, it won't be easy. In fact, it may not even be possible. But isn't that the fun of it? Not knowing what's in store…not being sure whether you get to root me on to my goal or make fun of me as I fail miserably. Over the years I've done both. Which is it going to be this time?
I've got a pretty positive outlook on at this time around. From past experience, that accounts for a good bit. Of course, I have the knowledge I need and all the necessary tools are at my disposal.
I have no plans to follow a plan. At least, not a specific plan. I've borrowed bits and pieces from many of the available diets and attempted to roll them into something that I can live with.
That's the key; finding something that you can live with. As far back as I can remember, I've not had much trouble losing weight. The problem has been keeping it off for any significant length of time. At least twice in my adult life I've managed to lose over 100 pounds. Each of those times, of course, I've managed to find those hundred plus pounds again.
I don't recall consciously looking for them, but I feel that subconsciously I probably was. You see, I've always been big. It's always been a part of how I see myself. Growing up, I was the fat kid. Grown up, I still am.
Through the years I've enjoyed various substances and activities, any number of which could've left me dead. And for that matter, a couple of them still might even though I kicked the habit long ago. I suppose I never really expected to live to the ripe old age of 50 (or 49 ½, so far). If I had, maybe I would've taken better care of myself. I guess it never hurts to hedge your bets.
So, at this late date I find myself embarking on a long strange trip in an effort to see how far past the half-century mark I can actually make it. It will certainly be a lifestyle change; a commitment to enjoy the finer things in life and the funner things in life, but to balance these things with the things that will provide a better life.
And now, just for you, I will reveal the secrets that I will use to accomplish this monumental task:
· Eat Less
· Eat Better
· Exercise
· Repeat
There you have it in a nutshell. Unfortunately, that's the only part of the nut I can eat. Someday soon, I will stretch those four points in that bullet list into a bestseller. In the meantime, wish me luck. Good luck or bad luck, I'll take it all. Whatever will make it the most fun for you will make it the most fun for me.
For those of you scoring at home, I'm starting out half way to pure evil. My starting weight is 333. My goal weight is 222. One third less of me to love or hate or like or be completely apathetic toward.
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