Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. We're so glad you could attend. Come inside! Come inside!

I have admitted in the past that I have a problem blogging in a consistent and timely manner. Well, here it is, a year later, and I'm finally adding some content. While I started this blog with the best intentions, we know where that road often leads. One problem, I suppose, is that I didn't "put it out there." There was no compelling reason to continue with the blog or in fact, the plan. I hope to remedy that by letting my FaceBook friends know that this is here and counting on them to check on it once in a while and keep me in line; both in doing what I'm supposed to do and in faithfully reporting on my progress (or lack thereof).

I suppose that an update of sorts is in order since I haven't posted anything in the last year. As set out in the original post, my starting weight was 333 pounds. My goal, of course, was considerably less. I suppose I can be happy in reporting that I am nearer my goal that I was at that time. Unfortunately, I'm not nearly as close as I hoped to be one year into the plan. My fault for not really following through, I suppose. I sit here in front of the keyboard today, some 20 pounds lighter than I was this time last year. Before the holiday onslaught of 2009, I had actually dropped another 10 pounds or so. The yummy goodness of the Thanksgiving to New Year's smorgasbord made those 10 pounds quite easy to reclaim. The first couple of months of 2010 have proven a little sluggish, so they are still around. Around my middle (rimshot)!

So off we go one more time on our merry adventure, still facing the same pitfalls as this time last year. Spring is deep-fried ______ season. Crawfish boils abound. Not that the crawfish themselves are a problem, but the sausage, corn, potatoes and ice cold beer do add to the overall calorie count. One major change that has taken place since last year is that I now find myself married to a vegetarian. No, I did not get divorced and remarried. She just swore off meat. I believe that, in the long run, this may be helpful to me. Then again: eggs, butter, cheese, ice cream, onion rings, chips, donuts… you get the idea. Of course, raw veggies are delicious... dunked in ranch dressing.

It won't be easy. It won't always be fun. I'm sure it will occasionally be amusing and I'm hopeful that it will be rewarding.

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